Holcombe Rogus Parish Council
This Parish is in the council area of Mid Devon (Local Authority District) and elects Councillors from the Canonsleigh Ward. The Parishes consist of Burlescombe, Clayhanger, Hockworthy, Holcombe Rogus, Huntsham and Sampford Peverell. This ward area is part of the UK Parliamentary Constituency of Tiverton and Honiton, which is held by Neil Parish, MP for Conservative.
There are nine seats on the Council, with one salaried employee (the Parish Clerk). The Clerk is also the RFO (Responsible Financial Officer). Councillors are elected every four years, the next elections will be in May 2019. There are several committees within the parish council which deal with relevant issues to the Parish and Councillors are elected to these committees at the Annual Parish Council Meeting which takes place in May. Holcombe Rogus Parish Council has a planning committee, a finance committee and a risk management committee.
The Council meets on the fourth Thursday of each month (excluding August and December) in the George V Memorial Hall at 7pm. All meetings are open to the public. The agenda for the meetings is published on the website and put up on the notice-boards at least 3 working days prior to the meeting.
In between the monthly Council meetings, planning committee meetings are called if an application needs to be reviewed. These take place on the second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the George V Memorial Hall. The agenda for the meeting is published on the website and put up on the notice-boards.
All Council meetings have an open forum where members of the public may raise any issues, in addition they can
email the Parish Clerk to request an issue to be included on the agenda.
This website also includes all the statutory documents which must be available to the public under the transparency code.